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Why Should Our Church Partner with Children’s Hunger Fund? 

We believe that God has ordained the Church to be the body of Christ and His primary representative in the world. Children’s Hunger Fund (CHF) exists to support local churches around the world as they reach into their communities with the good news of Jesus.

God has always called His children, whether in the Old Testament or in the New Testament, to care for the suffering and vulnerable. God’s people are to use their positions, resources, and abilities to act as He would act. Caring for people in need glorifies God.

When your church participates in Project Food Pak, you provide every member of your congregation—both young and old alike—with the opportunity to play a role in the Great Commission. Small groups can fill multiple Food Paks as a group to distribute the cost of purchasing the food items.

By participating in Project Food Pak, you are providing under-resourced churches with the tools to open doors and engage in relationships with families in need in their communities. These church partners are equipped with food and other resources to deliver directly to the homes of those impacted by poverty.

We pray that God would be glorified as people are introduced to help and the hope of the gospel.

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