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What If Our Church Still Isn’t Meeting Together Because of Covid-19?

Perhaps Covid-19 has left your church struggling to find ways to meet and serve together. A Project Food Pak with Children’s Hunger Fund could provide your congregation with a unique way to serve together and reach out with the hope of the gospel to children in need—even while socially distanced during a pandemic!

When you participate in Project Food Pak, empty Food Pak boxes are shipped to your location. Boxes can be distributed to your congregation in whatever form fits your needs best. For those in your congregation who are comfortable coming to your church campus, drive through pick-up and drop-off days allow for contactless participation. Empty Food Paks can also be ordered and sent to individual households, providing a way for families to serve from their own homes. Empty Food Paks can be ordered from our website here.

Many stores offer online ordering or curbside pick-up, making purchasing the food to fill the boxes easier, as well! For anyone struggling financially during this time, dividing the shopping list among a few people can allow multiple Food Paks to be filled while distributing the cost of purchasing the food items.

Even if your church is still meeting virtually or has suspended various expenditures, Project Food Pak is a great way for your congregation to be involved in spreading the hope of the gospel to families in need.

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