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A Short Theology of Giving 

Maybe you are wondering if a Project Food Pak is right for your church. Maybe your congregants are elderly or facing their own personal financial strain. One thing that has been true about God’s people for all time is that God commends those who give generously, regardless of their circumstances.  

Giving is expected of God’s people. The Old Testament consistently reports that God’s people dedicated gifts and tithes to Him (Leviticus 22:17-33). The annual festivals and even the birth of children were celebrated with offerings to the service of the Lord. Jesus recognized the gifts of people at the temple and clarified that the heart-motivation behind the giving is vitally important (2 Corinthians 9:7).

Giving demonstrates our dependence on God as both a reflection of stewardship and an act of worship. Everything that any believer has belongs to God. He has entrusted His people with possessions so that they might honor Him. Whether in large or small amounts, the believer who gives with thankfulness (Psalm 50:14, 23) demonstrates the greatness of God by declaring His care and provision (Matthew 6:19-21).

Giving provides for the work of the church and the care of those in need. The benevolence of God’s people has been expected to supply for the needs of the foreigners, widows, and those impacted by poverty (Deuteronomy 26:12). Giving forces our eyes off our own needs to see God provide through us to others (1 Timothy 6:17-19).

Project Food Pak can be a blessing to your church as participants work together to fill the Food Paks. The simple act of filling Food Paks that will be delivered to children and families in need can serve as a reminder of the provision of God, the stewardship of what He has provided, and the joy that comes in worshipping Him through cheerfully giving.  

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