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Serving Others Inspires Their Family


Volunteering makes us feel good. A lot of times you like to do it because you have a sense of satisfaction for what you just accomplished or who you helped. The Kim family started volunteering with Children’s Hunger Fund (CHF) seven years ago. At first Mrs. Kim was apprehensive about volunteering with her children because they were young. What would she do with her one-year-old and three-year-old? How would she manage them while volunteering? After she was encouraged to bring her children with her as helpers, Mrs. Kim began coming to the Sylmar Distribution Center once a month with four children in tow.


The Kim children now range in age from eight to 15 years old. These children have grown accustomed to volunteering once a month during the school year and twice a month during the summer. The impact that volunteering has had on this family is immeasurable. According to Mrs. Kim, volunteering teaches them integrity, perseverance, commitment, endurance, and the ability to rise to the occasion.


“We often underestimate what kids can do, and because of that we often don’t allow them to do things, make mistakes, or experience things,” said Kim. “There is something that even the smallest child can do to help. Carrying a bag to the finish pile gives them a sense of accomplishment.”


The Kim family (pictured above from 2016) has done a variety of volunteer activities. Their favorite volunteer activity is scooping the beans. “When you have a large family like us, one person is scooping, another measuring, one is sealing, and another is running the bags to the boxes,” said Kim’s 14-year-old son.  Each person has a job to do, and they are happy to serve other children just like them.

CHF is Mrs. Kim’s “happy” place. “It is the place where I can rest and recharge. I can work and I know it’s good, and it’s for the Lord. It’s actually refreshing and restful for me,” said Kim. “It is a couple of hours where we can forget about our own selfishness and our own petty concerns and we can just work and do good work unto the Lord.”

The Kim family discovered that serving others blessed themselves as well. We are thankful for the faithful service provided by their family and all our volunteers. You can experience the benefits of serving others, too, by joining our Volunteer Force.

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