More than anything, Sati wants to be a dancer when she grows up—or possibly a singer. Sati is eleven and lives in a very rural…
In the neighborhood where Ruben Ocasiones lives in Cebu City, Philippines, it was not uncommon to find kids selling fruits and vegetables to make money during the pandemic. Given the remote location of the community, the quarantine was not enforced as strictly as it was in the busier parts of the city. Ruben and his wife began to purchase food from the kids selling them.
This was how Ruben and his wife met Jericho, a 14-year-old boy living in the mountain region of Cebu City. Ruben became friends with Jericho after being a regular customer for some time. During one of their interactions, Ruben shared the gospel with Jericho, who made a profession of faith.
When Ruben’s wife asked Jericho if he knew anyone who she could hire to do their laundering, Jericho suggested his stepmother. This allowed Ruben and his wife to minister to Jericho’s entire family.
Within a month, this ministry extended to another family (pictured above) also relying on a meager fruit vendor’s income.
Because of the Food Pak ministry, Ruben and his wife have the opportunity to lead Bible lessons for the children living in the surrounding mountain villages. When they come to lead lessons, around forty children gather to greet them.
You are a part of this growing ministry in the mountains of Cebu. The success of the Food Pak ministry is thanks to the dedication of our church partners, the diligence of our volunteers, the faithfulness of countless prayer warriors, and the generosity of our donors. In whichever role you have taken part, you are making a difference.