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Letter from the President

Dear Friends,

In this edition of Frontlines, our staff has taken the opportunity to look back on 30 years of ministry at Children’s Hunger Fund.

For me personally, this has been a year that has involved quite a bit of reflection. With this being Children’s Hunger Fund’s 30th anniversary and with me turning 60 years old in September, there’s been ample opportunity to look back on so many memories as well as look forward to what God has in store for our future.

Very quickly, here’s a few of things that I have been reflecting on recently, and I hope that they are an encouragement to you.

First, as I get older, my God seems to get BIGGER. I know that isn’t the case. I know that God is unchanging, infinite, and constant. But I continue to be overwhelmed with the enormity of who God is. His grace and mercy are limitless. His capacity to reveal Himself and to demonstrate the extent of His love and care knows no boundaries.  The more that I learn about God’s character and His attributes, the more I am aware of my own imperfections and the more I am humbled by His amazing love for me!

Another thing that God has been teaching me in this year of reflection is that life is about relationships. Life is not about performance, popularity, or the pursuit of things. Life is about people. Life is about enjoying the gift of relationship and the pursuit of relationship. I have such a heart of gratitude for each and every one of you. Some of you I have known for 30 years or longer. Others of you I have never met. Yet each one of you share the same heart to honor God in your lives, and it is reflected in your compassionate heart as you support the mission of Children’s Hunger Fund.

As Children’s Hunger Fund celebrates 30 years, it is an opportunity to remind each of you that CHF is God’s story. It is story of His faithfulness in answering so many prayers over a 30-year period. It is a story of God demonstrating His love for His church and for suffering children all over the world.

God has expanded our vision and God has expanded our faith. He has taught us not to be hopeful that He will provide for “the least of these” that are the target of CHF’s mission. But, rather, He has taught us to be expectant in our faith, anticipating that God will do amazing things—things that only God can do and things that, in human terms, can’t be explained.

I also want to remind you that you are part of God’s story. He has used you, time and time again, as His instrument to deliver the hope of the gospel to suffering children—children in our own neighborhoods and children all around the world. Thank you for being faithful in letting God use you in this way!

As you have opportunity, I hope you will consider giving generously as you always do. It will position us to impact thousands of lives in the weeks ahead. Thank you for all that you do to support us! We greatly appreciate you!

For the children we serve,

Dave Phillips
Founder and President

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