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Meet the Staff: Wilfredo Mejia

If you’ve ever spotted the Children’s Hunger Fund semitruck on the road, there’s a pretty good chance that the man behind the wheel was Wilfredo Mejia. Before Wil came to Children’s Hunger Fund, he had already worked as a driver for some time and had experience in wholesale business. Growing up in El Salvador, Wil’s family owned a profitable import/export business, so transportation and procurement were not new to him.

In the early 80s, Wil’s mother strongly encouraged him to move to the United States. Conflict between the government and resistance groups had been steadily growing in El Salvador since the coup in 1979. Wil’s brother was executed during this time, but God placed His hand of protection over Wil and allowed him to get away safely.

At the age of twenty-one, Wil came to the US. He lived in North Carolina on his own until his funds started to run low and he was forced to consider his options. He could no longer afford to stay in the US, but he didn’t know exactly what awaited him back in El Salvador. His dad’s death and the loss of the family business meant that he had no work to fall back on. Returning to El Salvador also meant returning to an ongoing civil war.

He ultimately decided that returning to his home country was the best option. About a week before he planned to leave, Wil heard a knock at his door. On his doorstep, he found a missionary and her son. Through his interaction with the missionary, Wil was introduced to a family in the area who offered to take him in. Wil lived with them for the next six years.

Though Wil became a Christian and was baptized in his church back in El Salvador, it was his American family who showed him what it looked like to live as a Christian.

Several years later, Wil was working as a driver in Los Angeles when he applied for a job at Children’s Hunger Fund.

“I feel so grateful to be here and be able to help people through Children’s Hunger Fund,” Wil shared. “I’ve always been a driver, always been in procurement and trying to bring in product. Recently, I was called to join the ministry development team, which is a big gift… It enables me to go visit churches.”

Although Wil has now been on staff at Children’s Hunger Fund for twenty-one years, he does so much more than drive a truck. Wil can’t help but build relationships everywhere he goes. Whether it is picking up or delivering product, asking church partners what items they would like to receive, or finding new churches that share a value for gospel-centered mercy ministry, Wil is making genuine connections with the people he meets.

“We are called to be servants of the Lord, so that’s why I do whatever God calls me to do,” Wil shared.

Wil has witnessed God’s hand guiding and protecting him countless times throughout his life. God was protecting him in El Salvador when his brother was killed and allowed him to get safely to the US. God placed a missionary in Wil’s path and a loving family to teach him about how to honor Christ with his life. God orchestrated Wil’s marriage to a woman from his hometown in El Salvador, knowing their paths would cross again in the US years after knowing each other as children. God provided the right person to hear Wil talking about his desire to work for the Lord and suggest he apply for a job at Children’s Hunger Fund.

A few years ago, God also allowed Wil to return to his hometown on a trip with his CHF co-workers. Wil was blessed with the opportunity to see how the local church is ministering to the people of his home country.

“That was something I never thought was going to happen,” Wil shared. “Going back to where I grew up. As a matter of fact, we stayed in the hotel that’s three blocks away from where I grew up.”

Wil Mejia has a heart to serve, and we are so blessed to have him as a part of the Children’s Hunger Fund team. Whether he is driving a truck, connecting with pastors, participating in prison ministry, or procuring product, Wil has a heart to serve and share the hope that he has found in Jesus with others in need.

“God changed my past and he restored my life,” Wil said. “I was confronted with my sinful nature, by the power of His word. I used to live only for myself and my world and to feed my wants only. The Lord Jesus changed me completely and gave me a new heart to be able to serve Him and His church and give all the glory to him for the rest of my life.”

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