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As the Need Has Grown, So Has Their Ministry

Imagine your sole source of income instantly vanishes. The three children who rely on you to provide them with food, clothing, and school supplies still have the same needs as before, but now you have no means of providing for them. You search for work, but there is no work to be found.

If this sounds familiar, it’s no wonder. This has been a common story for millions of families across America since March of 2020. This was the situation for Evangeline Gomez, a single mother of three, living in San Antonio, Texas. Thankfully, a local church stepped up to help.

Prior to the Covid pandemic, Palm Heights Church of God was serving the low-income community of Palm Heights in San Antonio through the home delivery of Food Paks.

The pandemic did little to deter the church from ministering to their community. Instead, as the need throughout Palm Heights began to grow, so did the church’s Food Pak ministry. When the CHF Distribution Center in San Antonio began to receive bulk shipments of fresh produce from USDA, Pastor Luis of Palm Heights Church of God began requesting larger quantities of food. Through this increase of food, the church was able to minister to over 100 families every week.

The additional resources provided by the church were a great help for Evangeline Gomez and her three children. Thanks to Pastor Luis and his church, Evangeline was able to receive boxes of fresh produce and two gallons of milk each week.

In addition to food, Pastor Luis and his wife have often spent time praying with Evangeline, giving her the encouragement she desperately needed.

While the pandemic has certainly brought many challenges, we are thankful for faithful partners like Pastor Luis and his team of dedicated church volunteers who have taken the opportunity to share the love of Christ with the community of Palm Heights.

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