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Turning Gratitude into Service

Ten-year-old Ramona Torrez remembers a time when things were good. She had a good life in Honduras. Her parents had good jobs and steady income. Ramona didn’t have to worry about things like food.

Everything changed during the pandemic, but not in the way you might think.

Ramona’s father, Fernando, was in a traffic accident and suffered a massive spinal injury. He became a paraplegic and was confined to a wheelchair. As a result of his disability, Fernando can no longer work. Without his income, they cannot afford to hire someone to care for him, so Ramona’s mother must stay home from work to care for him.

The Torrez family lives in a community that was founded in 2000 after Hurricane Mitch swept through Honduras, killing 7,000 people and causing $3.8 billion in damages. Despite the high crime rate in the area, they have a paved main street and basic services like clean water, transportation, a health center, three schools, a technical institute, and 26 churches.

In Choluteca—about an hour-long drive from where the Torrez family lives—Pastor Ponce of Iglesia Evangelica Centro Americana Nueva Fraternidad Cristiana serves suffering families in his community through the Food Pak program.

“God’s mercies are new every day,” Pastor Ponce shared. “In the midst of the pandemic, we received funds, and I keep realizing that God is faithful and just. His mercies are new every day.”

Pastor Ponce had met Ramona’s mother several years earlier at a health center. Though Fernando and his wife had come and gone from church over the next few years, they reconnected with Pastor Ponce when he learned of their situation and began delivering Food Paks to their home.

Since the church began visiting the Torrez family with Food Paks, a lot has changed.

“We have grown spiritually and grown in faith, even considering my condition,” Fernando shared. “Because of the visits, two of my children have received the Lord Jesus into their hearts.”

An electric wheelchair was donated to the church to help Fernando gain more mobility, but it lacked batteries to make it functional. But even without the use of that wheelchair, Fernando and his family are overwhelmed with gratitude for all that they have been given. They have turned that gratitude into service. Ramona’s mother serves as a Sunday school teacher and in a variety of other roles at the church. Fernando has begun teaching Bible lessons as well.

Despite her family’s situation, Ramona maintains a positive outlook on life. She, along with her older brother and sister, help their mother around the house. Ramona is learning to play the piano and wants to help her mother lead songs at church.

“I thank CHF for including our church in the food aid which meets the needs of our home, since my parents are unable to work because of the accident.”

It is through these gifts that Ramona’s family has come to know the saving love of Jesus Christ and seeks to learn more. This is the power of your support.

Thank you for delivering hope.

Help local churches around the world provide food and share the hope of the gospel with families in need

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