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Meet the Staff: Anthony Kasper

“I’m paid to build relationships.”

For someone like Anthony Kasper, who has a natural gift for engaging with people, his role as the Director of Donor Engagement at Children’s Hunger Fund (CHF) is a perfect fit.

“I love connecting donors or pastors to something bigger than themselves,” Anthony shared. “To show them how God’s using CHF and how they can be a part of that.”

Anthony joined the staff at Children’s Hunger Fund in June 2018, working out of the Chicago office. One month into his employment, he was informed that the Chicago regional office was being closed but he was going to stay on as a remote employee to continue relationship that had been established in the Midwest and Eastern US.

“It was difficult,” Anthony recalled, “but even through the process of helping close the doors to figuring out remote work before remote work was cool, I really saw the heart of the leadership to take care of me and try to make it an easy transition.”

Anthony shifted from working in an office building to a home office in an empty bedroom (which he later shared with his daughter who was born the next year). Through it all, Anthony has tried to maintain a positive attitude. “I really try to make a point to be intentional to reach out to co-workers,” he shared.

Engaging with donors across the country who don’t have access to a local CHF Distribution Center has also presented a challenge, but it’s one that Anthony handles with care. “There’s no Distribution Center to give a tour,” Anthony said. “They have no context of CHF. I try to, as best as I can, paint a whole picture of CHF and what it looks like.”

Anthony even takes his love of CHF to other areas of his life. He wears one of his CHF shirts to his weekly softball games. “I get a lot of comments about it. I had one umpire make a donation to CHF because of the shirt,” he shared. “My team jokes that we should change our team name. They’ve asked if everyone can have that shirt to wear as a jersey.”

One thing that Anthony values the most about Children’s Hunger Fund is the commitment to elevating the local church, not trying to replace it but help it become better at what it already does. “The church is always there, 24/7,” he said, “and they know the microculture in that community, in that city. They know where the needs are, and they know how to reach those people. We can just let the church be the church, and we get to support that.”

Although Anthony didn’t grow up in a Christian home, he recalled how he first came to church and the impact it had on him. “I was sixteen,” he said, “and a very cute girl invited me to church. And I couldn’t say no.” And, while Anthony attended that church with plans to date that girl, God had something bigger in mind.

God worked through that church community to introduce Anthony to the gospel and show him the love of God. “I just remember sitting there and thinking, ‘this starts to make sense,’” Anthony shared. “Seeing this group of people love on me and care about me, check in with me, show me the love of Christ, I wanted to be a part of it.”

Anthony spent several years in ministry before he came to Children’s Hunger Fund. Two of those ministries (Feed My Starving Children and Africa New Life) are ministry partners with Children’s Hunger Fund, giving Anthony a glimpse of CHF’s ministry model long before he came on staff.

Anthony lives in Chicago, Illinois, with his wife, Joy, and their two children, Isaac (6) and Anna (3). When asked if his kids know what he does at CHF, he answered, “Isaac does. Anna, not so much. She just thinks I write thank you cards. She will sometimes grab one and start scribbling on it and say she’s working, too.” She may not know all that her dad does for a living, but at least she’s learning about gratitude.

Whether he is writing thank you cards, on the phone chatting with donors, organizing church food packing events, joining a video call from his daughter’s bedroom, or visiting us in one of CHF’s offices, we are so blessed to have Anthony Kasper on the Children’s Hunger Fund staff and are grateful for his love for families in need and the churches who minister to them.

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