Within days of the destruction left behind by the Eaton Fire, the small community of New Birth Churches in Downtown Los Angeles was already preparing…
It’s no secret that we love our volunteers and everything they do for the ministry of Children’s Hunger Fund. Here are some specific things we love about our volunteers from the people who work alongside them regularly, our Volunteer Program Coordinators.
- “I love that our volunteers are enthusiastic about serving children in our community and the local church, and they want to return again and again.” Angie Worth
- “We love celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, and milestones with our volunteers. We recently had a young lady post a photo and leave a review about how much fun it was celebrating her birthday by serving at CHF.” Thomas Russell III
- “I love how energetic and enthusiastic our volunteers always are. They always seem to be so encouraged by the mission and, whatever the project may be that we need to get done during a volunteer shift, they put forth their best effort every time.” Trevor Guyle
- “I love that children of all ages can and do serve, and that they get to assemble Food Paks for other children. Yes, we actually have volunteer jobs for 2-year-olds!” Angie Worth
5. “I love this story about a little girl who came in to volunteer with her school, Santa Clarita Christian School (SCCS), who has been volunteering with us for some time now and they will bring in different classes in on a workday.
6. “As the students were packing some Food Paks for our international distribution there was a group at the end of the line loading the boxes on a pallet. As the time went on, some of the kids grew tired of working. One of the girls, who could not weigh much more than a Food Pak herself, was stacking the boxes while encouraging the other students around her, saying, ‘You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength’.” Seth Deffebach
7. “We love when our pastors serve with their church. On Veteran’s Day, we had three pastors (all veterans) from three different churches all serve at the same time. We paused the event and thanked them for their sacrifice and obedience to their church, community, and country.” Thomas Russell III
8. “I love witnessing a child’s faith in action. During one volunteer workday presentation, a young preschooler interrupted and proclaimed, ‘God is good, and we are not!’ And that pretty much sums up mercy ministry!” Angie Worth
9. “I love when our volunteer groups want to continue serving together. We had two different churches (Elevation Church and Gateway Church in Frisco) share our space and both asked if they could continue to come serve at CHF at the same time in the future.” Thomas Russell III
10. “I love that our volunteers want to bring their friends, neighbors, coworkers, and church members.” Angie Worth

11. “One of the things I love the most about our volunteers is their heart behind the work that they do. They understand what the work is and that it’s not just packing food or sorting donations from Costco. It’s the tool that the pastors and church staff use to share the gospel.” Seth Deffebach