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After learning about their struggles, I realized we need to help them any way possible. We can help by donating money and doing what we did today and volunteer our time to make boxes and fill them with food.

Just to hear and see the differences in our lifestyles is humbling.

I learned that people struggle, and people need help and we can do stuff to help. I learned that people don’t have a nice environment to live in. I hope that what we did today makes a big impact.

I feel like I can do better with supporting kids in need. Bruno is a hard worker and inspires me.

The children we learned about were around our age. They work to get little money to help their family. I am so glad that I could help kids in need.

It makes me want to help them in the ways that I can. I want to learn more about them and their stories.

I was in sorrow when I saw that I take some things for granted. When I eat every day and become full and throw away the rest, I never truly think that small amount of food can help a whole family. I want to help with whatever I can and save some families.

I learned that I am extremely blessed. These children go through so much, and it is hard. Going through this can give people doubt, but the kids we learned about learned how to push through the tough times. I feel like I could do more than what I am doing.

I’ve never had to worry about if I was going to eat or if I had enough money to buy food, and I thank God every day for that. After [the tour], I realized how grateful I should be for everything I have, and I’ll be praying for these kids, especially the ones in the sewer.

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