“It’s been a beautiful impact that this ministry has had. CHF has been able to open doors to the entire community, for us to canvas the entire neighborhood.”
“We don’t want to stop training. The spiritual component is essential. It’s good to know how to do ministry biblically.”
“To serve the Lord is not only to preach in a church with large numbers of members, but it is also to serve those small churches in the most remote villages, which have no money or resources and cannot give you anything in return but have a big heart of gratitude. Whenever I see the fervor of these small poor churches in the community, I think that they perhaps have a more sincere faith than many and will enter the kingdom of heaven first than many.”
“Without CHF, the ability to purchase food would be a lot more difficult. It has allowed us to create a relationship—not just to deliver food, but to interact with them. The network of pastors—being able to interact with other pastors and be able to minister to each other—they encourage each other.”
“We relate to people, and we preach the gospel to them from the first meeting. This ministry has challenged us as a church to know the gospel better so that we can communicate it clearly.”
“Because of the Food Pak ministry that was introduced, we are able to reach out to the unreached people who are rejected in their community, people who are treated as outcasts, people who are ignored. But here we are with the Food Pak ministry, we are bringing hope to such communities. We are bringing hope to such families, and they feel loved; they feel appreciated they feel like treasure.”