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Deliver Hope with Cryptocurrency

Children across the US and around the world are facing hunger and hopelessness, but you can make a difference! With your help, pastors and volunteers from local churches can deliver food and the hope of the gospel directly to the homes of children in need.

You can deliver hope to suffering children with a gift of cryptocurrency. Children’s Hunger Fund will steward your donation of cryptocurrency to help meet the needs of children in poverty.

Using the form below your donation of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other types of cryptocurrencies can be turned into meals and other needed resources that are delivered to suffering children.

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Our mission is to deliver hope to suffering children by equipping local churches for gospel-centered mercy ministry.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency, also known as Virtual Currency or “Crypto,” is a digital asset designed to function as a replacement for fiat (US Dollars, for example) whereby transactions between two parties are verified through a public, distributed ledger, also known as a blockchain. Most people think of Bitcoin when they hear the word “Crypto.” While Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency introduced, there are thousands of unique cryptocurrencies in circulation, each with its own specific properties and values.

What is the Engiven Platform?

The Engiven platform is a third-party, vendor-provided donation software that enables nonprofits to safely and securely receive cryptocurrency donations and then convert those donations into usable fiat currency, such as US dollars. Engiven’s platform can accept 39 different cryptocurrency tokens. Current acceptable tokens: BTC ETH LTC ZEC LINK OXT DAI BAT AMP COMP PAXG ZRX BAL CRV MANA KNC MKR REN STORJ SNX UMA UNI YFI AAVE FIL ENJ BNT 1INCH SKL GRT LRC SAND CUBE BOND SUSHI INJ MATIC LPT DOGE.

Learn more about Engiven.

Is it legal for Children’s Hunger Fund to accept donations of cryptocurrency?

Yes. It is lawful for a nonprofit to accept a donation in the form of a cryptocurrency. On March 2014, the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) ruled that Bitcoin is treated as property for tax purposes (IRS Notice 2014-21).

What will Children’s Hunger Fund (CHF) do with my cryptocurrency donation?

Engiven will facilitate an immediate sale of the donated cryptocurrency and deposit the US dollar proceeds into CHF’s bank account. CHF does not directly trade in cryptocurrency and will not hold the donated cryptocurrency.

How will my donation to Children’s Hunger Fund be receipted?

Donors who provide an e-mail address will receive an email receipt (from the Engiven platform), which will detail the type and number of “coins” donated, the date and time of the donation, the CHF fund given to, and other details.

A formal year-end receipt will be mailed by the end of January to donors who provide their name and address.

A year-end tax receipt cannot be made available to donors who choose to give anonymously because receipts must be made out to a named individual or company in order to meet IRS requirements.

How should I valuate my cryptocurrency donations for federal tax purposes?

For U.S. tax purposes, transactions using virtual currency must be reported by the taxpayer, in U.S. dollars, at the fair market value on the date of the donation. If a virtual currency is listed on an exchange and the exchange rate is established by market supply and demand, the fair market value of the virtual currency is determined by converting the virtual currency into U.S. dollars at the exchange rate in a reasonable manner that is consistently applied.

Is the process of giving cryptocurrency safe and secure?

Our third-party platform, Engiven, provides the highest level of confidence and security by utilizing blockchain security. Relying on networks of thousands of computers to verify transactions, Engiven drastically minimizes the risk of cyber-attacks or fraud.

Give with Confidence

Children’s Hunger Fund stewards all donations with integrity and transparency. Since 1991, 96% of all revenue has supported programs that serve suffering children and families.

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