A little second-grade girl in our church asked her mom if she could give all her money to the CHF coin boxes at VBS one night. Her mom said, ‘how about we just take $20?’ The next night, she begged to give all the money she had. Her mother tried to reason with her about buying something for herself with her birthday money. The second grader politely said this to her mother, ‘Mom, we are not poor. We have a house, a car to drive, and plenty of food to eat. There are people starving, and I am giving ALL my money to buy meals.’ What could her mother say? With tears in her eyes, she told her daughter that she was proud of her and that she would be blessed for blessing others, and the little girl gave the rest of her $84 to CHF.
The first time the kids heard about Children’s Hunger Fund, they connected personally with helping others less fortunate than themselves. One child said, ‘why didn’t you tell us about this before?’ Kids brought in offerings from the total content from their piggy banks.