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Your group has committed to providing food to children in need! Thank you!

The Food Paks you fill will be put into the hands of church pastors and volunteers who will deliver them to the homes of families in need in the US.  

Each child in the home will receive their own Food Pak. These deliveries allow churches to build relationships with families in their community, providing opportunities for the gospel to be shared. 

You are making a difference!

Food Pak Shopping List

Keep track of the items to fill your Food Pak by checking them off as you shop.

The following items should be purchased to fill one Food Pak.

Please include all items in each Food Pak, in the quantity and size indicated. When possible, purchase easy-open cans. No glass jars, please.

I have purchased the food.
Constructing the Food Pak

To construct the box, you can use the instructions print on the Food Pak or watch the video below. 

I have built the box.
Filling the Food Pak
I have filled the Food Pak.

Help Cover Distribution Costs

We kindly request a donation of $8 per box to help with the cost of distribution. Any amount you choose to give is greatly appreciated. 

Make your donation online by using the giving form on this page.


Send in your Participant Form and donation

to Children’s Hunger Fund, using the envelope attached to the list provided to you.

Don’t have the envelope? Please send your cash or check and participant form to: Children’s Hunger Fund. Dept LA 24373, Pasadena, CA 91185-4373

I have sent in my donation.

Return the Food Paks

Once your Food Paks have been built and filled and your donation has been submitted, place four Food Paks into the larger Case Pak box. Return your Case Pak(s) to your group leader. 

Your group leader will return the boxes to Children’s Hunger Fund. These Food Paks will be put into the hands of churches to be delivered to the homes of families in need with the message of hope found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

I want to fill more Food Paks!

Fill More Food Paks!

Want to introduce Project Food Pak to others you know? 

Order empty Food Paks to complete a project with your friends, family, business, church, or community group. Together, you can deliver hope! 

Order Food Paks

Frequently Asked Questions

Didn't find the information you need?

Customer Service

If you have questions or would like information about a large group project, please contact us.

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We are currently updating our donation platform to better serve supporters like you!

If you have difficulty processing a donation during this time, please contact us at [email protected] or 818.979.7100 ext. 9041.