Healing for a Family in California


When Natalia was just six years old, she was in a car accident that claimed the life of her father. She and her sister, Eva, were in the back seat when the car went off the road. Though Natalia, Eva, and their mother walked away from the accident, their lives were forever changed.

After the accident, they went to live with Natalia’s grandparents in California. When her mother remarried a few years later, Natalia and Eva were left in the care of their grandparents. Natalia and her sister spent years on medication to ease their depression and anxiety. Their family was emotionally and spiritually broken. In addition to the cost of medication, their grandparents also struggled to provide food.

Natalia’s family was reunited recently when her mother came to live with them again, this time with her two younger girls and another on the way. In addition to Natalia’s family, her grandparents have also opened their home to her aunt, uncle, and four younger cousins. Of all the people living in the home, Natalia’s grandfather was the only one with steady employment.

These were the circumstances in the home when Pastor José Luis Paz of Sembradores Church first knocked on their door. He immediately saw the family’s need, and the church began delivering Food Paks to the family on a monthly basis.

As volunteers from the church began ministering to Natalia’s family, healing began to take place. Natalia and Eva were able to reconnect with their mother on a deeper level and build relationships with their little sisters. The family started attending church services and gained a greater understanding of God’s love for them.

Natalia and Eva no longer take medication for depression and anxiety. They have both invited Jesus into their hearts, and so has their mother.


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